Task Subscription API

The Task Subscription API allows for subscribing for different tasks. The process-engine-api adapter implementation then takes care of the delivery of the tasks matching the intended subscription.

public class TuskSubscriber {

  private final TaskSubscriptionApi taskSubscriptionApi;
  private final Map<TaskInformation, Map<String, ?>> userTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  public void subscribe() {
      new SubscribeForTaskCmd(
        TaskType.USER, // user tasks only
        null, // all of them
        null, // all variables
        (taskInfo, variables) -> {
          if (!userTasks.containsKey(taskInfo)) { // don't replace existing tasks
            log.info("[TASK LIST]: Received user task {} with meta {}", taskInfo.getTaskId(), taskInfo.getMeta());
            userTasks.put(taskInfo, variables);
        (taskId) -> {
          log.info("[TASK LIST]: Removing task {}", taskId);
          userTasks.keySet().stream().filter(info -> info.getTaskId().equals(taskId)).findFirst().ifPresent(userTasks::remove);